H.J. Alexander Community School

Grade 5

Friday, September 30, 2011

Upcoming Changes!

We are currently awaiting for a few new items for our classroom. All students will be receiving new desks and chairs to replace the much too old furniture that we are currently using. A few Smartboard has already been ordered and delivered to the school and we are currently awaiting for one of them to be installed in our classroom (for those parents who have no idea what a Smartboard can do - I have included a youtube link (parent links) to give you an idea on what it can do.

Welcome to Portable 2

Hello Parents and Students,

I have restarted my blog as there seems to be an interest from parents.

We are off to a great start this year.

In language we are working on writing complete sentences.

Students know ...

A sentence is always a complete thought. It starts with a capital and ends with either a period, question mark or an exclamation mark. It has a noun/ pronoun and a verb. Finally, a sentence states something, gives a command or asks a question.

We have already started writing paragraphs. Children have already started developing great topic sentences, a body of 3/4 sentences and closing sentence at the end.

In math, we have finished Unit 1: Patterning and have just began Unit 2: Whole numbers. More information to follow.