H.J. Alexander Community School

Grade 5

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Weston Library Events

During the Holiday season, Weston Library is host a series of events.

Thursday, December 15 from 4:00 to 5:30
                      MOVIE "The Muppet Christmas Carol"

Wednesday, December 28 from 4:00 to 5:00
                      CRAFT "Make your own craft"

Thursday, December 29 from 2:00 to 2:45
                      SHOW "Magic Mayhem with INCREDIBRENT"

Weston Library
2 King Street

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Coming up next week!

Before the holiday break ...

We will be learning how:
  • to use a protractor for our next math unit
  • to identify and describe extreme weather conditions

What is the author's message?

We have read the following stories in class with the intention of figuring out the author's message.
Listen and review the story again and again!

The Lorax

The Great Kapok Tree

Monday, December 12, 2011

Conservation of Energy

The students worked together to describe and write the following information about non-renewable and renewable resources.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Rememberance Day

Lest We Forget!

We had a very moving ceremony in the gym today to commemorate our fallen soldiers. We sang songs like "Highway of Heroes", "We are the World" and "Waving Flag". Thanks to Daniel for reading a poem to the school. It was all very moving!

Hey kids, as promised I have attached picture of my trip to Italy from a few years ago. This is a huge monument at Monte Casino - This one cemetery/monument site is for over a 1,000 Polish soldiers that dies fighting for our freedom. Many were very young men who died as you can see in the one picture!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Here are some simple "youtube" videos on Energy. ENJOY!

Old but still good!


A good explanation of Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy


Energy Song by Mr. Edmonds


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Being a Canadian Citizen

Attached you will find, two youtube videos on Canadian Government specifically "Canadian citizens".





Don't forget to ask parents or grandparents why they choose Canada as their new home!

September and October Character Traits Winners

Although it was a hard choice in picking September and October's Character Trait winners. We congratulate Ayantu and Kristina in winning our certificates for being great examples of Responsible and Respectful students.

Keep up the great work!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Number Sense and Numeration

Some of the children are having problems with rounding numbers. I have included a link under math links on how to round. Please take a look if you are having some problems!




Thursday, October 6, 2011

Summary for a Narrative

This is the format that we are using in class to create a Summary for a Narrative.

After reading the story "The Visitor", we created a summary using the same format from above.


This year the class was involved in "Student Vote". We subscribed to to Elections Canada and got a package that included posters, voting ballot screen, ballots and a ballot box. Today we watched TV commercials from each of the 3 main parties involved in the election. We discussed their platforms and elections techniques. Many enlightening ideas were brought up by the students.

We also used the ballots that they provided and held our own election to see how our results would compare to our "York South-Weston Region" and the province.

We created a chart with the results!

Progressive Conservatives / Liberals / NDP / Green / Freedom Party

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ontario Elections October 6

Since the class is learning about the Canadian government. I thought it would be a great idea for parents to take their children out to the polls with you. Show them how you need to sign in and show identification, let them see you receive the ballot and finally show them how you go behind the cardboard booth and place your vote. I have been doing this for year with my children and they are always eager to go along with us.

So please take you kids and go out and Vote!!!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Upcoming Changes!

We are currently awaiting for a few new items for our classroom. All students will be receiving new desks and chairs to replace the much too old furniture that we are currently using. A few Smartboard has already been ordered and delivered to the school and we are currently awaiting for one of them to be installed in our classroom (for those parents who have no idea what a Smartboard can do - I have included a youtube link (parent links) to give you an idea on what it can do.

Welcome to Portable 2

Hello Parents and Students,

I have restarted my blog as there seems to be an interest from parents.

We are off to a great start this year.

In language we are working on writing complete sentences.

Students know ...

A sentence is always a complete thought. It starts with a capital and ends with either a period, question mark or an exclamation mark. It has a noun/ pronoun and a verb. Finally, a sentence states something, gives a command or asks a question.

We have already started writing paragraphs. Children have already started developing great topic sentences, a body of 3/4 sentences and closing sentence at the end.

In math, we have finished Unit 1: Patterning and have just began Unit 2: Whole numbers. More information to follow.